Is the Third Eye Evil?
Is the Third Eye Evil?
Within the past few years we have seen a rise in the interest in the New Age and spiritism. It is now common practice to buy sage to “cleanse” the home of evil spirits, or use crystals for healing. There’s even a blending of New Age practices and spiritual gifts in church settings!
For instance, seeing in the spirit has been mixed with “opening” a third eye.
As a Christian, you may be wondering what the third eye is, and whether or not it’s against the word of God. In this article I talk about seeing by the power of the Holy Spirit, satan’s counterfeit, and how to break free.
What is Spiritual Sight?
To me, seeing in the spirit is an experience that is guided by the Holy Spirit in which the unseen realm is revealed for God's purposes. This can happen by visions, dreams, and revelation.
Jesus is the door to true spiritual sight, and any other entryway to the spirit realm is considered illegal. Let’s imagine access to the spirit realm is like a house and a key. If you were not given the key to the house, and you entered through the window that would be breaking and entering! That’s why Jesus made it clear that he is The Way.
“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door, but climbs up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.” (John 10:1 NKJV)
To most people, the idea of sight beyond the natural eye has only been associated with New Age and divination practices (ex. yoga, crystals, tarot cards, and horoscopes). For non-believers this is normal, but it shouldn’t be for believers.
You Have Eyes to See
A main lie the enemy has used against believers, is that supernatural sight is demonic. However, seeing in the spirit is all throughout the Bible, including the New Testament. It is a gift that God has given us through the Holy Spirit.
A prime example of this is when Elisha asked God to open his servant’s eyes.
“And Elisha prayed, and said, “Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. (2 Kings 6:17 NKJV)
The Lord allowed his servant to see by the power of God. This speaks to the idea that eyes are not only physical but exist spiritually.
What is the Third Eye?
The third eye is a spirit that is invited to give a person supernatural sight from a demonic source.
The first mention of the third eye originated from Egyptian Mythology. It is important to note that the tenets of mythological stories are Satan’s fingerprint on how he deceived a society into worshiping him and his demons.
The third eye is also known as “The eye of Ra” or “The Eye of Horus ”.
The deity, Ra is the god of the sun, and the “center of the universe”. In addition, the eye of Ra was a power symbol that represented the destruction of the sun, and divine oversight of the heavens, Earth, and underworld.
Likewise, Horus was a hawk deity that is known for traveling between realms and lost his eye. In both cases, the eye acted as its own entity by being detached from the gods and roamed between the realms.
This spirit is able to work with familiar spirits, hover over regions, and become assigned to neighborhoods. Oftentimes, people with this spirit are using the third eye for personal or monetary gain.
How the Spirit Enters
Common doorways for demonic sight are:
• Drugs (especially the psychedelic kind)
• Meditation
• Yoga
• Forms of divination: tarot cards, palm reading, astrology.
Sometimes this spirit can be passed down from generation to generation because of open doors in the bloodline.
We have the Victory
We have authority over all powers of darkness because Jesus gave it to us when he rose from the dead! The enemy is already defeated and we just have to remind him of that.
There is nothing too difficult for God.
Thankfully for us, He is not a taskmaster or a legalistic Lord, but one who forgives and whose mercies endure forever.
If you’ve ever knowingly or unknowingly opened the door to demonic sight, or even have done any New Age practices unaware of their meaning check out my go-to guide for self-deliverance :The Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare Manual by John Eckhardt and “Prayers that Rout Demons”.
Before you pray these prayers make sure that you have accepted Jesus in your heart and have asked the Holy Spirit to dwell within you.
I’ll walk you through my favorite prayer recipe for breakthrough from Doug Addison: Seer Prophet, prophetic author, speaker, and coach.
A Prayer You Can Pray
Father, I repent for opening a door to the occult. Lord, I ask you to fill me afresh with your Holy Spirit who leads and guides me into all truth.
I renounce any agreement I made knowingly or unknowingly with the occult, divination, and witchcraft practices by _____. ( name the activities you were involved in)
In Jesus’ name, I break off all operations of the occult in my life, and I call down the fire of God to burn up every root system of the occult sown in my soul.
I ask you, Lord, to reveal any other open doorways that need to be closed, and to provide me with wisdom and understanding when you reveal them to me.
Lord, be the shepherd of my life leading me into the ways of your truth and righteousness for your name's sake, Amen.
My Prayer for You
Lord, bless everyone reading this post, and I pray that you will open up the supernatural in a righteous way. Purify their eyes of all demonic covenants and ties. Amen!
—Laura Corinne